Erection Problem After Prostate Surgery

I had prostate cancer surgery about 3 years ago. Erection difficulties since then. Is this something you think you could help me with.

Thanks for your enquiry. How much help the training may help you does depends upon your current erection quality. A few questions can help me give you an honest answer:

Do you ever get:

>> the beginnings of an erection?

>> night time erections?

>> semi erections?

>> full erections?

Once I know a bit more I can tell you my thoughts.



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Feb 03, 2019
Can Erection Training Help You...
by: Kwest

As you are getting erections, albeit a bit weaker, the training can definitely help you. The kegel exercises can be more extensive and intensive possibly, plus other body systems of yours (the ones that support the erection process) could possibly benifit from also being strengthened as well.

Then there is also the psychological aspects that may or may not be be playing a small part, but worth being aware of. This may be due to the concern you have about your erection - which is enough to cause low level anxiety, that you may not even be aware of, but ironically enough to dampen down the erection response. Details are in this video Know your enemy

So whilst the training will help - it is just the logistics now, whether I can train you in person or online. I am currently developing the online training - making videos and writing about it all in between clients, so it is work in progress and
probably will be for this next coming year. There will soon be some more advanced exercising and training for other body systems as well.

Feb 03, 2019
Erection Answers
by: Anonymous

Hi Kwest,

I can sometimes almost get a full erection but I have to really work on it. Also, when I do get almost completely erect, it's not quite as firm as it use to be.
I do wake up sometimes with a semi erection but not too often.
I think one or two times I've woken up almost fully erect.

This is very different than prior to my surgery. I would frequently wake up completely erect.
I've spent a lot of time doing kegel exercises the past several years since my surgery. I think it definitely helped but not sure how much it's helping beyond this point.

Thanks so much for the prompt reply.

Look forward to hearing your additional thoughts.

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